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Project |01


ONU Marketing Internship


As an intern in the Communications and Marketing Department at ONU, I was responsible for several projects: Facebook timeline update, DCBA print ad, new releases, website updates and other various projects. 

CIFT Marketing Internship

​The Center for Innovative Food Technology is a food processing consulting company in Toledo, Ohio. While interning at CIFT over the summer of 2012, I was in charge of finding monthly speakers for our breakfast forum, new releases and other writing documents. 

What is PR?

During my social media class, we were challenged to make a short video for the public relations department to show potential students and parents. The class paired up into teams of two, and each made our own videos. This was my video. We focused on "What is PR?" because many students do not really understand what PR means. We then asked senior public relations students to define what they felt PR meant. It was a fun project, as well as a learning experience. 


Click the links below to view my projects.

Just a sample of my work. To see more or discuss possible work >>

Project |02


Project |03


Social Media Project

While at my internship, the C&M department worked on increasing activity on the university's Twitter account. The department wanted to increase traffic and involve students. We created a hashtag for the Greek communities annual Greek Week, #onugreekweek. 

Over the course of the week, over 70 students used the hashtag. The university's Twitter account gained 35 new followers. ONU had 2,399 follwers and potentially reached 3,464 new people, for a total of 5,863 views.  


Another project I was in charge of during my time at CIFT was keeping the blog up-to-date. I posted blogs one to two times a week about local news, local businesses and other relevant information. I posted multiple blogs throughout my time at CIFT, but two blogs received the most attention. The first blog, posted in July, generated over 36 page views. "Pesto with a Purpose" was about an organization who used our local incubator to make pesto.


The second blog was also posted in July. The blog was about the drought that spread across the United States and was affecting farmers and their crops. The blog, "Drought Affecting Northwest Ohio Farmers", generated 22 page views, and talked about local farmers and their crops. 

Department Letter

This was an assignment in my public relations writing class. We were asked to write a letter to the head of our department as to why we should receive funding for a trip.

Literature Review 

This is a literature review I performed in my public relations writing class concerning the use of Facebook in higher education. 

Comm Audit

This communications audit was about the ways the Delta Zeta Zeta Kappa Sorority at Ohio Northern University communicate internally and externally. This was an assignment for my public relations writing class. 

Restore Brochure

I developed a brochure for the local community's Restore. I designed the brochure to focus on the features and positive qualities that Restore has to offer the community. This assignment was for my public relations writing class. 

Project | 04

In June of 2012, one of my sorority sisters and friend, Elissa McCracken, was chosen as the 2012 and 2013 Miss Ohio. During her journey to the Miss America stage, Ohio Northern University through a send-off celebration in honor of Elissa. As president of our sorority and one of her good friends, Elissa asked me to speak at the celebration.  


My speech reflected the many qualities that Elissa possess in comparison with our Delta Zeta Creed.


The speech is to the left or click here to view the speech.

Project | 05

Fall semester of my senior year I took an advanced publice relations writing class. During this class, we learned about speeches, press releases, white papers and opinion editorials. For our final project at the end of the semester, our assignment was to find an opinion  editorial topic. We had to write both the "for" and "against" articles, as well as a speech for on of the sides.


I chose to write my op ed over the topic of paid versus unpaid internships for public relations students. I also wrote a speech in favor of paid internships.

The above link is an example of my op ed for paid internships. I focused on the benefits of having a paid internship and cited sources that I found during research.

The above link is an example of the op ed I wrote in favor of unpaid internships. I cited sources that supported unpaid internships and even cited the U.S. Department of Labor. 

The link above leads to my example of my speech for paid internships. I pose as a student and an officer of the Public Relations Student Society of America. I defend public relations students across America who find themselves working in unpaid internships. 

Giggle with Me
Melissa's Blog


Another project I worked on was a personal blog. Throughout this blog, I analyzed our reading assignments for class, I wrote about public relations in the world today, and I also wrote more personal posts. Feel free to look through my blog.

Project | 06
American Red Cross Campaign


During my senior year, I took a class about public relations' campaigns. We were split into groups and asked to run our own campaign. We chose to promote the March American Red Cross Blood Drive at Ohio Northern University. Please click on the "American Red Cross Campaign" to see the full report.


Myself and two othe team members used Twitter, Facebook, fliers and posters, band aid cookies and other tactics to raise awareness and attendance for the blood drive. We also wrote a proclamation that the president of the university signed and presented to the Red Cross. 


We sent our pre surveys as well as post surveys to see if our team had reached our goals we set at the beginning of the semester. We reached many of our goals, as well as blew other goals out of the water.

Objective 1:

To increase the attendance by 20 participants from the January 2013, and 40 participants from March 2012 blood drive


Final Results:

January 2013- 40 participants

March 2013- 73 participants

(increased by 33 donors)

Objective 2:

To increase the amount of first time donors by 10 donors



Final Results:

January 2013- 10 first time donors

March 2013- 29 first time donors

Objective 3:

To increase usable blood donations from 38 units in January 2013 to 65 units



Final Results:

January 2013- 38 usable blood donations

March 2013- 60 usable blood donations 

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